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Meet our best Psychologists 

in Broward County, Florida Location

Radius TBI: Integrated Medical Team of the Best Psychologists in Broward County, FL

Experiencing Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can be a life-changing event that can impact an individual’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. The journey to recovery can be challenging and demanding, often requiring a comprehensive approach that includes medical intervention and psychological support. 

This blog post will highlight a group of exceptional psychologists – Dr. Ann Marie Paolino, Dr. Anna Chuneyeva, Dr. Beatriz Amador, Dr. Esther L. Misdraji, and Dr. Lisa Parafinczuk – who specialize in helping TBI patients recover their lives. These dedicated professionals know the significance of psychological support in the healing process and are making a significant difference in the field.

Healing Minds and Bodies:
The Role of Psychologist in
Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury

To better understand how psychologists assist those with TBI, it’s important to understand the nature of the injury. TBI occurs when the brain experiences sudden physical trauma, such as a strong impact or blow, leading to dysfunction. The severity of TBI can vary greatly, resulting in anything from mild cognitive impairment to severe disability.

Psychological Impact of TBI

TBI can have a profound psychological impact on individuals. Patients often struggle with a range of issues, such as depression, anxiety, mood swings, memory problems, and changes in personality. These psychological challenges can make recovery a complex and demanding process.

Dr. Ann Marie Paolino: A Beacon of Hope

Dr. Ann Marie Paolino is renowned for her compassionate and practical approach to TBI patients. She helps patients cope with the emotional aftermath of their injuries, offering them a safe space to express their feelings, fears, and frustrations. Through counseling and therapy, Dr. Paolino plays a pivotal role in the emotional healing of her patients.

Dr. Anna Chuneyeva - Psychologist, Clinical Psychology
Dr. Anna Chuneyeva – Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist

Dr. Anna Chuneyeva: Rebuilding Cognitive Function

Dr. Anna Chuneyeva is a highly accomplished clinical psychologist with extensive experience in various domains of clinical psychology. Her dedication to enhancing mental well-being has positively impacted countless individuals. Dr. Chuneyeva is well-known for her compassionate approach toward her patients and her professional insights, which have earned her a reputation as a respected clinician in the field.

Dr. Anna Chuneyeva specializes in neuropsychology, focusing on understanding the relationship between the brain and behavior. She assesses the cognitive function of TBI patients and formulates tailored treatment plans to help them regain their cognitive abilities. This approach is essential for patients who experience memory loss, concentration issues, or other cognitive impairments.

Dr. Beatriz Amador - Clinical psychologist, Neuropsychologist
Dr. Beatriz Amador – Clinical psychologist, Neuropsychologist

Dr. Beatriz Amador: Emotional Resilience

Dr. Beatriz Amador is a highly skilled and experienced clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist. With a deep understanding of the complexities of the human mind, Dr. Amador has dedicated her career to helping individuals overcome mental health challenges and optimize their cognitive functioning. Her compassionate approach, backed by evidence-based practices, ensures exceptional care for her patients.

Dr. Beatriz Amador’s expertise in trauma therapy is invaluable for TBI patients who are battling emotional turmoil. Her work with these patients includes techniques to build emotional resilience, cope with PTSD, and develop strategies for managing the psychological scars left by the injury.

Dr. Esther Misdraji We are the brain injury medical team of neurologists, neuropsychologists, audiologists, neuro-ophthalmologists, physical therapists, and psychologists. Neuropsychology, Best Neuropsychologist in Broward County
Dr. Esther Misdraji – Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist

Dr. Esther L. Misdraji: Family Support

Dr. Esther L. Misdraji is an accomplished neuropsychologist and clinical psychologist with extensive experience. Her career is devoted to unraveling the complexities of the human mind, providing insights into neurological and psychological well-being. Dr. Misdraji’s expertise has positively impacted countless lives, making her a highly respected professional in her field.

Dr. Esther L. Misdraji recognizes the importance of involving the patient’s family in recovery. She provides counseling and guidance to the families of TBI patients, helping them understand the challenges their loved ones face and offering strategies to support them effectively.

Dr. Lisa Parafinczuk - Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist
Dr. Lisa Parafinczuk – Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist

Dr. Lisa Parafinczuk: Holistic Healing

Dr. Lisa Parafinczuk is a distinguished clinical psychologist with a specialization in neuropsychology. Her extensive experience spans various domains of clinical psychology. Dr. Parafinczuk’s expertise in understanding the complex interplay between the mind and behavior has made her a highly respected professional in her field, transforming lives through her work.

Dr. Lisa Parafinczuk adopts a holistic approach to healing, recognizing the interplay between physical and psychological health. Her therapy sessions focus on overall well-being, combining mindfulness practices, stress reduction techniques, and psychological support to enhance the patient’s quality of life.

Recovery from a traumatic brain injury is a challenging and often lifelong journey.

However, the support of dedicated psychologists like Dr. Ann Marie Paolino, Dr. Anna Chuneyeva, Dr. Beatriz Amador, Dr. Esther L. Misdraji, and Dr. Lisa Parafinczuk is invaluable in helping TBI patients regain their lives.

Their expertise, empathy, and holistic approach to psychological healing play a pivotal role in the recovery process, offering hope and empowerment to those who have experienced the trauma of a traumatic brain injury.

Working as a team, these psychologists exemplify the power of psychological support in helping individuals navigate the path to recovery after a TBI, offering a lifeline to those who need it most.
Most-Recent-Fatal-TBI-Data We are one of the top neurologists in Tampa

According to CDC: TBI is a major cause of death. This chart above shows the number of TBI-related deaths by month and year Source: https://www.cdc.gov

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