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What is the most effective ADHD treatment program?

ADHD, Privacy Policy

At Radius TBI, we firmly believe in the power of an integrated approach to ADHD treatment. Our brain doctors combine neurofeedback therapy, CBT, and brain mapping to provide comprehensive care that addresses the multifaceted nature of ADHD. By combining these modalities, we aim to maximize treatment outcomes and improve our patient’s overall quality of life.

How Do You Know If Your Child Has Autism?

Autism in Kids, Warning Signs Every Parent Should Know

Recognizing the early signs and symptoms of autism is crucial for parents and caregivers, as early intervention can significantly improve a child’s outcomes. In this blog, we will explore how parents can identify the warning signs of autism and discuss the role of medical professionals, such as radius TBI doctors, in the diagnosis process.

Understanding the Causes and Integrated Medical Care for Bump on the Back of the Head

Bump on the Back of the Head

Discovering a bump on the back of the head can be concerning, especially for individuals who have previously experienced head injuries. At Radius TBI in Ft. Lauderdale and Tampa, Florida, patients who have suffered head injuries can benefit from specialized integrated medical care that focuses on comprehensive evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation.​